May is Mental Health Awareness Month! In celebration of this cause, I dedicated my NEW "Story Time With..." YouTube video to this month's awareness. "Field of Rest" is the art featured in this story and it tells my self care journey of rest and renewal. #permissiontorest
In 2016, I painted "Field of Rest." It is one of my favorite art pieces and was so fun to paint. I love seeing the process pictures of how the art came about. Check it out!
Mental health awareness is so personal for me. I have lived with various degrees of depression and anxiety over the years. Many resources have helped me and I am on a mission to help others with my experiences and art.
One of the lessons I am still learning is to REST! This is the message of this art video and my advice to others. Taking time to recharge ones batteries is so critical to wellness. How do you rest? What works for you?
I hope you will watch this video and share it with your loved ones. The pandemic has taken a toll on all of us in different ways and I will encourage you to be aware of your mental health needs. (Mental Health Resources HERE)
Also, this art is NOW available in my art shop. I would love for you to have this art in your home to remind you to rest and take care of yourself.
Thank you for stopping by and I hope you were inspired! Take care!
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